
It's Been A Long Time

You not legit with the camera until you post a mirror selfie. 

It's been a long time / 

I shouldn't of left you / 

Without a strong rhyme to step to... 

At least that's the opening bars of one of my favorite hip-hop joints of all time. Indeed it's been a while, something major happened since my last post back in March.

I became a father. 

Needless to say, I've been a bit preoccupied and photography took a backseat for bit. As my wife and I prepared for parenthood we've had conversations about not losing ourselves in this baby. In other words, remembering we had identities before we became parents. 

For me this means continuing to pursue photography as a means of a creative outlet. That's shooting, developing, and printing my images. With an emphasis on shooting. I would say one of the most difficult aspects of photography, isn't vision, mastering the camera, or even developing film. It's simply making the time to actively go out and shoot.  Compound this with a newborn,  you get the idea. But like with the people in our lives, you make time for what you love. Besides, I've got a beautiful new subject to document. 

Baby Clayton | June 2017